Enter Shikari rock the Main Stage with their signature style

Enter Shikari rock the Main Stage with their signature style

4:32 PM

If it was ever in doubt, Enter Shikari are one of the best live acts around at the moment. The post-hardcore rock band absolutely smashed their Leeds Festival set on the Main Stage with a number of their biggest hits including ‘Sssnakepit’ and ‘Rabble Rouser’.

Bringing their trademark energy to the stage, Enter Shikari opened with the newly-released single ‘Stop the Clocks’ to ensure that the assembled crowd was ready for the other songs to come. They even threw themselves and the crowd through an eight-minute medley comprised of four other banging songs: ‘Sorry, You’re Not a Winner’, ‘No Sleep Tonight’, ‘The Last Garrison’, and ‘Meltdown’ were interwoven superbly and kept the crowd on their feet – literally and metaphorically.

enter shikari crowd leeds festival 2019

The likable St Albans quartet made everyone know just how appreciative they were for their ongoing support, and frontman Rou Reynolds’ call to arms before the final song, ‘Live Outside’, summed up everything that the band holds dear.

“At the end of this festival, take this community feeling into the world and spread it around. Make everyone savor it and drink it in,” Reynolds said.

If there’s anything we’ll all take from Leeds Festival, it’ll be that sense of camaraderie that was on display throughout their performance.